Reasons why a childcare centre is good for your child
Many parents are afraid to place their child in a childcare centre. They often envision that their child is too young to be exposed to the structured environment of a childcare centre.
While it is understandable for parents to feel this way, child experts and educators assure that placing a child in a good childcare centre provides multiple benefits. Numerous studies back this when they discovered that children entering childcare centres have stronger basic math skills, better reading skills, and richer vocabularies than those who did not.
Children between the ages of 3-6 years old absorb everything they see, hear and observe. They are like little sponges at this stage of their lives and the best time to equip them with the necessary skills to succeed later in life.
Why use a child care centre? Here are the reasons:
Academic and social foundation
It is natural for young children to be extra observant and curious. They want to acquire skills like mom and dad such as paying the right amount when buying things or knowing how to read the instructions for assembling something.
The academic setting later in life can be demanding and placing a young child in a childcare centre prepares them for that. The necessary social and academic skills are provided by childcare centres through their play and activities programs.
Structured setting opportunity
The presence of peers and teachers in a structured setting provides an excellent structured setting for children to follow instructions, share, and take turns. This type of group interaction is needed by a young child before they start formal schooling.
Prepare and equip children for later academic settings
Parents should not think that it’s too soon for young children to learn and develop pre-literacy and pre-math skills. Childcare centres also value playtime. Playtime is an effective way of making children learn and develop math, reading, and language skills. A good childcare centre will ensure that learning will always be fun and enjoyable for very young children.
Emotional and social development
Problem-solving, showing respect to others, and learning to compromise are the crucial emotional and social skills acquired by young children placed in good childcare centres.
An excellent childcare centre will provide the best atmosphere for children to explore, build confidence, gain a sense of self, and play with their peers. Placing children in a childcare centre makes them discover their confidence in doing things for themselves instead of always asking help from a parent.
Small tasks such as setting the table gradually transition to bigger tasks such as deciding on the activity to do during their free time. Learning these things in a childcare centre teaches children to become independent and confident.
Discover answers to their countless questions
Young children can be persistent and curious. They want to know answers to things happening around them. Parents are often left with no good answers to the questions asked by a curious kid.
The job becomes easier with help from a good childcare centre. The childcare will provide learning, experimentation, and exploration atmosphere to enable children to discover the answers to their numerous questions.
It is understandable for parents to feel anxious about entrusting the care of their children to childcare centres. However, the benefits provided by a good childcare centre far outweigh the separation anxiety of parents.